20% Lower Prices Than EBAY and REVERB on all Audio vacuum tubes
20% Lower Prices Than EBAY and REVERB on all Audio vacuum tubes
Bangybangtubes inventory has 34 different 6S vacuum audio tube/valve models, with a total 1651 vacuum tubes of 49 different brands.
Vf 6.3 Volts
List of Brands
Admiral |
Amperex |
Arcturus |
CBS Hytron |
Chief |
Coronado |
Cunningham |
Curtis Mathes |
Delco |
Dumont |
El Menco |
Elpico |
Emerson |
Federal |
General Electric (70s Logo) |
Heintz and Kaufman |
Hytron |
IEC Mullard |
International |
Ken-Rad |
Magnavox |
Marconi |
Motorola |
Mullard |
Mytron |
National |
National Union |
NU |
Philco |
Philco Star Light |
Rad Tel |
Raytheon |
RCA (70s Logo) |
Realiable |
Realisitic |
Shield |
Silvertone |
Sovtek |
Sylvania |
Sylvania ECG |
TungSol |
United Electron |
Western Electronics |
Westinghouse |
Zenith |
List of Tubes
6137/6SK7WA |
6S4 |
6S4A |
6S7 |
6S7G |
6S8GT |
6SA7 |
6SA7GT |
6SB7Y |
6SC7 |
6SD7GT |
6SF5 |
6SF5GT |
6SF7 |
6SG7GT |
6SH7 |
6SH7GT |
6SJ7 |
6SJ7GT |
6SK7 |
6SK7GT |
6SL7 |
6SL7GT |
6SN7 |
6SQ7 |
6SQ7GT |
6SR7 |
6SS7GT |
6ST7 |
6SV7 |
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